Articles of Organisation
Chapter 1: General Provisions​
Article 1: Name
The name of the organisation is the International Silk Road Organisation, abbreviated as ISRO.
Article 2: Registration Information in the United Kingdom
Name: International Silk Road Organisation
Registration Number: 15100014
Article 3: Organisational Nature
The International Silk Road Organisation is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation registered under the UK Government in August 2023.
Article 4: Responsibilities
To make industrialisation benefit everyone. To help members of the Organisation use industrialisation to make life better for people, create jobs, and improve living standards.
To run the international system of industrialisation rules and help countries get better at industrialisation. To give its members a place to discuss and agree on industrialisation matters and sort out any problems they have with each other.
To organise activities promoting the prosperity of the Silk Road as a formally recognised institution in the UK.
To oversee the organisation of the International Silk Road Forum, related conferences, and subsequent activities.
Article 5: General Assembly of Members
The General Assembly of Members is the organisation’s highest authority. Its powers include:
Deciding on significant matters of the organisation.
Hearing and reviewing reports from the Council.
Electing Chairman, Executive Chairmen and members of the Council (with elections held every four years).
Deciding on other significant matters.
Ruling on appeals from members in breach of regulations.
Article 6: General Assembly Conference
The Conferences are held annually but may be convened earlier or delayed if necessary.
The Conference is convened by the Council Board and chaired by the Chairman.
There is no minimum quorum for attendance; resolutions are passed by a majority vote of attendees.
Extraordinary General Assemblies may be initiated by the Chairman upon the request of more than two-thirds of the members or as deemed necessary.
Article 7: Council
The Council is the permanent body of the General Assembly and serves as its highest executive authority.
Council members are elected from the Organisation’s members.
The Council Board is composed of the Chairman, Presidium, and Board Members. The Chairman initiates the formation of the Council.
The Presidium includes one Chairman, up to ten Executive Chairmen, up to sixteen Executive Vice Chairmen, and several Vice Chairmen.
One to two Executive Chairmen of the Council Board are designated in the UK and China, respectively. Additional roles include rotating chairs for member countries and chairs for five special committees (cities, industrial parks, companies, universities and research institutions, and social organisations). Each committee designates one Executive Chairman of the Council Board.
Members of the Council are selected based on merit, adhering to the principle of fairness and capability.
The term for Council members is four years, with exceptions for rotating chairs and committee chairs. Council meetings are held at least once annually, initiated by the Director, Chairman, or Executive Chairmen and convened by the Secretary-General.
Responsibilities of Council members include:
Implementing resolutions of the General Assembly.
Establishing and deciding the organisation’s work policies.
Reporting to the General Assembly.
Voting on resolutions.
Executing Council decisions.
Engaging with members and addressing their concerns.
Providing advice and suggestions on the organisation’s activities.
Appointing honorary positions such as Permanent Honorary Chairman and Legal and Financial Advisers.
Promoting global participation in the organisation.
Demonstrating commitment to the organisation’s work and actively enhancing its reputation.
Article 8: Member States
Diplomatic, trade, industrial, cultural, scientific, and educational ministries of countries worldwide may apply to join the organisation as member states and are eligible to serve as rotating chairs.
The chair rotates every year.
The General Conference of Member States is the highest authority of the Member States’ Committee. Its responsibilities include:
Reviewing and implementing Council resolutions.
Preparing and hosting the annual Member States’ General Conference.
Deciding on significant matters and other important issues.
Article 9: Special Committees
The organisation establishes transnational Special Committees, guided by the principle of equality and inclusivity, to promote Silk Road development and global prosperity.
In addition to the Member States’ Committee, five Special Committees are formed: cities, industrial parks, companies, universities and research institutions, and social organisations. Applications are open to global entities.
Chairs of Special Committees are determined via elections.
Special Committee members are all members of the Organisation.
Article 10: Secretariat
The organisation’s Secretariat serves as the Council’s permanent body, led by a Secretary-General (also serving as a Vice Chairman). Other positions include a Finance Minister, Commerce Minister, and Vice Secretaries-General.
Each committee has a Secretariat, managed by a Secretary-General, appointed by the respective Committee’s General Conference and approved by the Council.
Chapter 2: Members and Their Rights and Obligations
Article 11: Membership
Individuals and organisations endorsing the organisation’s mission and willing to abide by its article may apply for membership.
Article 12: Membership Admission
Membership is voluntary, and members are free to withdraw.
The Council establishes specific admission criteria and procedures, which are filed with the Secretariat.
Article 13: Member Rights
Attend the General Assembly.
Provide feedback and suggestions on the organisation’s development.
Access discounted or free participation in the organisation’s activities.
Receive services offered by the organisation.
Article 14: Member Obligations​
Comply with the organisation’s charter.
Actively support and participate in the organisation’s work.
Pay dues and fees promptly.
Chapter 3: Finances and Accounts
Article 15: Sources of Funding
Donations, sponsorships, government grants, and other lawful income.
Membership and Council fees.​
Article 16: Financial Transparency
The organisation maintains financial records, prepares reports, and discloses annual statements to members.​​
Chapter 4: Intellectual Property
Article 17: Organisation Logo
The ISRO logo symbolises the organisation and its six special committees coming together to form a seven-petal flower. It also represents the seven continents and the seven fundamental musical notes. This emblem embodies the idea of global collaboration and harmony. It may be used for official venues, events, and promotional purposes. Unauthorized commercial use is strictly prohibited.
Article 18: Intellectual Property Rights
All materials produced by the organisation must acknowledge its origin when shared or republished.
Chapter V: Supplementary Provisions
Article 19: Interpretation and Termination
The International Silk Road Organisation retains the right to interpret and terminate this charter.
Article 20: Amendments
Amendments require approval from three-quarters of the Council members present.
Article 21: Effective Date
This charter becomes effective upon approval.